
Parkrun – all you need to know

Here is a brief run down of all you need to know about how to get started with Parkrun. At the end I’ve put a …

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Light at the end of the tunnel

You may be wondering why I’ve been a bit quiet on the site and disappeared altogether from social media. Well the explanation is quite simple …

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A year in pictures

A year in pictures. I do write in my journal every single day – it becomes a habit just like running every day and it’s …

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The call to adventure

If you had looked at my bio and picture when I was in my mid fifties ‘Adventurer’ would not have been the first word that …

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The Picos Mountains and beyond

With so many having access to outdoor space restricted I am making the digital version of Spanish Steps with the breathtaking scenery of the Camino …

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Back on the BBC

Back on the BBC after far too long away. I did an interview with Sarah Walker on BBC Radio Berks which was great fun – …

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Moving Mountains

Moving Mountains – available now!

Moving Mountains is available now from Amazon (both in paperback and on Kindle) from Apple Books, Kobo and all leading booksellers. Signed copies will be available from …

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Sonning to Goring along the Thames Path

If any of you follow me on Instagram or read my blog posts, you will know that I am a huge fan of the Thames …

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Running the Camino de Santiago – the adventure begins

I had wanted to return to Spain after my epic run across the Pyrenees in 2016. Sure I had been back for some races, most …

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Virtual races – the new norm?

Coronavirus has had a devastating impact on families, friends, the young and people’s livelihoods. I am one of the lucky ones in that I have …

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Granada – city of light and shade

Granada, without doubt, is one of my favourite cities and somewhere I return to year after year.  So what makes it so special? Ostensibly, it’s …

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Do you write in a journal? If so you’re in great company. People as diverse as Kurt Cobain to Leonardo Da Vinci were great keepers …

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Meeting on the bridge at Kinlockleven

It’s good people who make good places

I bump, literally, into a lady walking her dog on the bridge at Kinlockleven. “You shouldn’t walk using your phone, you’ll miss the view” she …

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Correr Por España

I’m really pleased to be “organising” another major run in 2019 – Correr Por España .  Correr por España is a 1,000 mile solo run …

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Riano Trail Run 2018 review

So the Riano Trail Run or panting in the Picos if you prefer – what’s it all about? Well if you want the short version …

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Andrew Townsend Photography has arrived!

Most of you regulars know that I’m passionate about photography and I’ve got several thousand photos (of varying quality) from my running adventures from around …

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2018 Race Calendar

Well here it is – my 2018 Race Calendar. Thames Path 100 – An old favourite, a 100 mile yomp along the Thames Path starting …

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Bucket List 2018

Self indulgent I know but ….
I’m not a great believer in new year resolutions but a bucket list well that’s another matter! Here is a …

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Madrid – a race against time

**As an experiment I have an audio version of this post – the link is at the bottom** As the plane banked steeply on the …

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Ultra Running and the “Starvation Zone”

Regular readers of this blog will know that I’ve had two DNF in the last two races that I’ve entered, The Thames Path 100 miler …

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Be creative – everyone is an artist!

I’ve got a new passion – photography. Well it’s an old one actually. I first took it up when I was 18 but it disappeared …

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A passion rekindled

OK  I admit it – I’ve been in a slump lately and I’ve lost a bit of my mojo. It’s not that I’ve fallen out …

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Ultra Trail – Sierra Nevada

Really excited to be back on the road again, this time to Granada, Spain for the Ultra Trail Sierra Nevada. 63 kms through the blistering …

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The road to Alhambra

If you are regular visitors to this blog you will know that I decided to pull out of the TransItalia Ultra next month. I got …

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Ultra running and the concept of failure

If you are an Ultra Runner then the likelihood is that at some point you have “failed” to complete the course. The sheer logistics and …

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explore . expand . look . listen . no boundaries . inquisitive . self-determination . push . single-minded . enthuse . overcome . talk/ask . …

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My first podcast!

Yes my first podcast! – the other day I got an opportunity to be a guest on the Todd Nevins “Go Hunt Life” podcast. I …

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The road to Cecina

The road to Cecina – So I had got to Day 7 and what should be my last day on my epic run across Italy. …

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TRANSITALIA – The next challenge!

Well I’m nearly ready for this one Transitalia 2017….. in that I’ve got a flight to Bologna and a hotel booked at the starting point, …

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Running on the edge

It was still dark outside as I put on my running gear for the umpteenth time. It was only day eleven of my journey across …

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Blenheim Palace Sarva Run

If you follow this blog you will know that I try and do the occasional run for a wonderful charity called Sarvashubhamkara (or Sarva for …

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Orla the dog

I had only been going for an hour and already I was tired. The previous day, day 8 of my adventure , had been tricky …

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Trans Italia 2016

With the Pyrenees well and truly in the rear view mirror, its time to turn my attention to the next great challenge- running across Italy …

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Blood, sweat and tears

Blood, sweat and tears – a day in the life of an Endurance Runner I woke just after 5.00am – no alarm needed, my aches …

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My Adventure Board – let’s make it happen!

Here’s my adventure board! What’s an adventure board you might ask? Well it’s all the things that I want to make happen next – in …

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Bill Buckley – Radio Berkshire

I had great fun on the Bill Buckley Show & Radio Berkshire this afternoon! This was my third radio appearance in two weeks so I was …

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Audio Post

Neutra keytar banh mi chia typewriter scenester meh hella, organic Helvetica pug deep v leggings Tumblr cornhole. Synth single-origin coffee mlkshk, Austin retro cronut Banksy …

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A “vanity” injury

Unbelievable isn’t it! How I managed to run 525 miles across the Pyrenees without picking up a significant injury and then, like a bus, they …

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Video Post

Neutra keytar banh mi chia typewriter scenester meh hella, organic Helvetica pug deep v leggings Tumblr cornhole. Synth single-origin coffee mlkshk, Austin retro cronut Banksy …

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